Sonntag, 31. Mai 2020

As Protests and Violence Spill Over, Trump Shrinks Back – The New York Times

Mr. Trump already attempted to recalibrate by ripping up his speech at the Kennedy Space Center on Saturday after the launch of the brand-new crewed SpaceX rocket and adding a long passage about Mr. Floyd. Mr. Trump and his group seemed taken off guard by the demonstrations that emerged outside the White House on Friday night. Vice President Dick Cheney was brought to the bunker on Sept. 11, 2001, when the authorities feared one of the airplanes hijacked by Al Qaeda was heading towards the White House.

Mr. Trump currently attempted to recalibrate by ripping up his speech at the Kennedy Space Center on Saturday after the launch of the new crewed SpaceX rocket and adding a long passage about Mr. Floyd. Mr. Trump and his group seemed taken off guard by the protests that materialized outside the White House on Friday night. Vice President Dick Cheney was brought to the bunker on Sept. 11, 2001, when the authorities feared one of the aircrafts pirated by Al Qaeda was heading toward the White House.

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